JT Group sustainability strategy
Setting the JT Group Sustainability Targets
The JT Group Purpose indicates the direction in which the JT Group will be heading to ensure the sustainability of our society and the Group’s business therein.
The Group’s management principle to pursue the 4S model. We believe that as nature, society and people’s lives are intertwined, sustaining our ways of living, and the activities of entities, will depend on the sustainability of the environment and society in which we exist. In pursuing this principle and by realizing the JT Group Purpose, we will contribute to the sustainability of our environment and our society. The JT Group Materiality, the foundation of our sustainability management, has been revised and we have identified five material topics.
Based on the revised materiality, the JT Group Sustainability Targets have been set, consisting of a total of 25 items. In setting the new targets and initiatives, we focused our attention on the relationships and ties with the revised materiality, while also including past initiatives.
The underlying point of the new sustainability strategy based on our Group Purpose is that people’s lives, society, activities of entities, and the activities of all humans are part of the ecosystem. As a company responsible for creating the future, we are determined to proactively work on resolving social issues.
Our Board is involved in setting and managing the sustainability strategy. The JT Group Sustainability Targets will be revisited regularly so that they can be further evolved. With our new sustainability strategy in place, we will uphold our commitment to provide value in realizing the JT Group Purpose “Fulfilling Moments, Enriching Life.”

The JT Group Sustainability Targets
With the JT Group Purpose as our starting point and based on the JT Group Materiality, we have set the JT Group Sustainability Targets, comprised of 25 items. We will contribute to a sustainable planet and society by realizing our Group Purpose and moving forward with specific initiatives set as sustainability targets. The targets are based on material issues relevant to our Group. Here, we will explain the thoughts and messages behind each material issue and related targets.
“Living with the planet”
We believe that people’s lives, society, corporate activities, and the activities of all people are part of the ecosystem. On this basis, we have looked at our past environmental initiatives from the perspective of the ecosystem, considering the aspect of biodiversity as well as the impact that our business may have had on the ecosystem. To resolve any negative impact beyond the resilience of the ecosystem, we have established sustainability targets related to our materiality “Living with the planet.”
- Read more about related targets on "JT Group Sustainability Targets"
- Read more about the JT Group’s environmental initiatives on "Living with the planet"
“Value creation that exceeds consumer expectations”
We strive to provide value that exceeds the expectations of a wide range of consumers or society with innovative products and services. We have set related sustainability targets with the aim of realizing our aspirations, through initiatives in each of our businesses of tobacco, pharmaceutical, and processed food.
- Read more about related targets on "Value creation that exceeds consumer expectations" and "JT Group Sustainability Targets"
- Read more about the JT Group’s initiatives in the tobacco business on "Tobacco business", pharmaceutical business on "Pharmaceutical business", and processed food business on "Processed food business".
“Investing in our people and supporting their growth”
We believe that each employee is the starting point for all the activities in realizing our Purpose. The importance of human resources will continue to grow in the future. We have set related sustainability targets with the aim of tackling multiple themes from multiple angles, in order to further expand the Group’s human resources.
- Read more about related targets on "JT Group Sustainability Targets"
- Read more about the JT Group’s initiatives related to investing in our people
“Responsible supply chain management”
Our supply chain is essential for our business. It is crucial for our supply chain to be resilient to rapid changes in the business environment. As part of the key initiative, we perform supplier screenings and due diligence, and are committed to addressing the social issues facing our suppliers and the communities in which they operate. It is important that we work jointly to resolve these issues. Bearing these factors in mind, we have set related sustainability targets.
- Read more about related targets "Responsible supply chain management" and "JT Group Sustainability Targets"
- Read more about our tobacco business on "Tobacco business", pharmaceutical business on "Parmaceutical business", and processed food business on "Processed food business".
- Read more about the JT Group’s initiatives on human rights
“Good governance”
Good governance is the foundation for improving the satisfaction of various stakeholders and for our Group to continue to be a trustworthy corporate entity. We believe that this is the basis for all our activities. We strive to realize sustainable profit growth and continuous improvement in corporate value over the medium- and long-term, while also contributing to the development of our stakeholders, the economy and society as a whole. With this in mind, we have set related sustainability targets, taking into account the characteristics of each of our businesses.
- Read more about related targets on "JT Group Sustainability Targets"
- Read more about the JT Group’s governance
Monitoring and progress of targets
The Board of Directors is involved in setting and managing the Group’s sustainability strategy, and targets are periodically reviewed so that they can evolve.
The JT Group’s environment plan and targets have been carried over or updated and integrated into the JT Group Sustainability Targets. Moreover, sustainability targets previously set by the tobacco, pharmaceutical and processed food businesses have also been incorporated, and new targets have been set. Please see details of the FY2023 results on JT website.
Reporting of the JT Group Sustainability Targets will commence with FY2024 results in 2025.
Sustainability Advisory Forum
Since 2020, we have held regular Sustainability Advisory Forums to discuss the Group’s sustainability issues. With our Chief Sustainability Officer acting as Chairman, the forum is attended by heads of the JT Group’s businesses and corporate functions.
In 2023, three forums were held. We discussed and shared information about sustainability issues such as setting the JT Group Sustainability Targets, checking the progress of our GHG emissions reduction targets, our human rights initiatives and governance, sustainability issues of each business, EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and stakeholder engagement, among others. Discussions at the forum are appropriately reported to the CEO and Board of Directors.