Pharmaceutical business

Business Purpose
Respecting science, technology and people,
we will contribute to patients’ lives
Industry environment
The global pharmaceutical market has been experiencing an average growth rate of 4.9% over the past five years, reaching 1,472.5 billion US dollars in 2022 and marking a 2.7% year-on-year increase. This growth can be attributed to rising health awareness, population increases and development of public healthcare systems. While these factors have resulted in higher demand for more advanced drugs, governments are strengthening their control on drug prices by reigning in medical costs, against a backdrop of rapidly aging societies and fiscal deficits.
Worldwide pharmaceutical market*(USD BN)
Copyright © 2024 IQVIA.
Calculated based on IQVIA World Review
(Data period: Years 2018-2022)
Reprinted with permission
Industry outlook
To control medical care expenses, the Japanese government has been promoting the use of generic drugs. This has resulted in the expansion of the generic drugs market within the Japanese pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, a drastic reform of the drug pricing system has led to a gradual price reduction each year starting from 2021, posing challenges for the industry, with an average drug price reduction of 6.69% experienced in April 2022.
SWOT analysis
- R&D specialization in small molecule drug discovery
- Resources focused on three priority areas: Cardiovascular, Kidney and Skeletal Muscle; immunology; and neuroscience
- Investment in the latest technologies and development of a platform for JT’s unique proprietary drug discovery technologies
- Maximal leveraging of intra-Group synergies through functional specialization between JT (R&D) and consolidated subsidiary Torii Pharmaceutical (domestic sales)
- Acceleration of the drug discovery process
- Growth in pharmaceutical demand worldwide driven by societal aging in developed countries as well as economic growth in developing countries
- Greater difficulty with in- and out-licensing
- Possibility of continual drug price reductions in domestic and overseas markets amid a global trend toward rationalization of drug costs
- Greater difficulty in developing new drugs and stronger international competition for new drug development
- Increasing use of generic drugs and growing global market share for RX-to-OTC switched drugs*
Drugs that were previously only available by prescription but have been approved for over-the-counter (OTC) sales at pharmacies, drugs stores, etc.
Performance over the last five years
Revenue has been fluctuating with a decrease in overseas royalty income offset by revenue growth in the domestic market led by Torii Pharmaceutical. The revenue growth at Torii Pharmaceutical is attributed to significant expansions in sales of drugs for skin diseases and allergies. Stable investments have been made in research and development to discover revolutionary original drugs, and we are actively carrying out in-licensing in the domestic market. Despite fluctuations in lump-sum and milestone payments, adjusted operating profit from fiscal 2019 to 2023 has remained largely stable.
Revenue and adjusted operating profit(JPY BN)
With a focus on contributing to stable profits for the entire JT Group, the pharmaceutical business’s basic strategies are:
- Increase drug discovery capability and build unique pipelines
- Reinforce the earnings foundation in the domestic market
- Raise productivity by optimizing the business foundation over the medium and long terms
The pharmaceutical business focuses its R&D on these areas: Kidney and Skeletal Muscle; immunology; and neuroscience.
In our pharmaceutical business, we operate under the business Purpose of “Respecting science, technology and people, we will contribute to patients’ lives.” In 2019, we drew up the following sustainability strategy with three focus areas and five specific initiatives, and report on its progress annually.
The sustainability strategy was reviewed in 2023, and under the newly revised edition that will take affect from 2024, we reorganized the focus areas and set specific indicators and sustainability targets to be addressed. For more details, please refer to the pharmaceutical business section.
In working to fulfill our Purpose, we will contribute to JT Group Materiality efforts.
Materiality |
Target items |
Targets |
Creating first-in-class drugs |
We will continue our efforts and investments in R&D activities for innovative drugs in specific therapeutic areas. |
Emissions reduction |
By 2030, we commit to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 47% in line with a 1.5°C reduction pathway against a 2019 base year. Along the way, we will help the JT Group achieve its goal of Net-Zero GHG emissions across the entire value chain. |
Diversity, equity & inclusion |
We promote the creation of an organizational culture where diverse talent can thrive, contributing to the achievement of the JT Group’s target of increasing the ratio of female managers. |
Foster ethical awareness |
To cultivate personnel with a sense of mission and ethical awareness aimed at saving patients, we will continue to learn more about patients’ needs by engaging in dialogue with medical experts through our internal educational activity For the Patients Project. |
Provide information responsibly |
We continue training our medical representatives to provide medical professionals with up-to-date, appropriate information on pharmaceutical products. |
For progress of our sustainability initiatives in the pharmaceutical business up to 2023, refer to KPI progress.
Specific initiatives
Case study 1
For the Patients Project
Good governance
Target items
Foster ethical awareness
To continuously cultivate employees, expand their sense of mission to help patients and maintain ethical awareness about it, we’ve undertaken a Group-wide educational initiative called the For the Patients Project. Every year, we select about 10 members to investigate patient healthcare needs through exchanges with healthcare facilities and internal events. In 2023, we provided information internally about medications that are truly needed in the medical field through interviews with specialists related to our R&D areas such as atopic dermatitis and pediatric allergies. Also, we conducted interviews at children's hospices and organized dementia experiential sessions using VR internally, providing employees with opportunities to consider drug development from various perspectives and empathize with the patient's standpoint.
Case study 2
Pharmaceutical development leveraging patient opinions
Value creation that exceeds consumer expectations
Target items
Creating first-in-class drugs
We have undertaken an initiative to incorporate patient opinions in pharmaceutical development.
- Calling this approach “patient centricity,” we continuously provide related information to employees to ensure their understanding.
- To communicate our appreciation to participants in clinical trials, we send them thank-you letters.
- We are preparing a system to provide plain-language summaries of results
We will continue to incorporate patient opinions into the pharmaceutical development process and work to make participation in clinical trials easier.