Pharmaceutical business


JT is committed to the research and development of world-class, innovative drugs.

As this business has a direct impact on human health and life, we not only strictly comply with all laws, regulations, and industry standards, but are also guided by a strong sense of ethics and responsibility. This is particularly the case in areas such as clinical trials and promoting drugs, as well as animal experiments and managing chemical substances.

We operate our pharmaceutical business based on our business Purpose , “Respecting science, technology and people, we will contribute to patients’ lives.”

JT concentrates on R&D, while Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is in charge of sales and promotion in the Japanese domestic market.

  • Note: Regarding manufacturing, we outsource the entire process of manufacturing operations to contracted factories. Outside of Japan, we do not have a sales function, but we do license drugs to other pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Our pharmaceutical business value chain*

Pharmaceutical business value chain
  • * This diagram represents the value chain of products developed by JT, and sold and promoted by Torii Pharmaceutical.

Sustainability of the Pharmaceutical Business

We selected five JT Group Materiality topics as priority issues for the Group to work on above all else. Based on the JT Group Materiality regime we set JT Group Sustainability Targets as specific goals to achieve and initiatives to undertake. The following are examples of this special focus in the pharmaceutical business.

Progress with Sustainability Initiatives in the Pharmaceutical Business to 2023

Pharmaceuticals and sustainability

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Approach to product responsibility