
JT Group purpose can be found in FY2022 Integrated Report, pages 1-3

Read more about JT Group Materiality

Read more JT Group Sustainability Targets

Latest News

NEWDecember 11, 2023

JT makes it on the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index for the Tenth Consecutive Year.

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Latest News

NEWJune 27, 2024

FY2023 online content and FY2023 Integrated report are now available.

FY2023 results for the JT Group Sustainability Targets

FY2023 results by previous reporting formats:
-Tobacco business
-Pharmaceutical business
-Processed food business
-JT Group Environment Plan 2030

Latest News

NEWFebruary 2024

JT Group recognized on CDP’s climate change A List and water security A List.

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Our way of doing business

The JT Group Materiality

As nature, society, and people's lives are intertwined, sustaining our ways of living, and the activities of corporate entities, will depend on the sustainability of the environment and society in which we exist.
In realizing the JT Group Purpose, we are contributing to that sustainability through our commitment to working on the issues identified in our materiality.

  • Living with the Planet

    Preserve a harmonious relationship between our environment, people, and corporate organizations through initiatives to improve our impact on our environment

  • Value Creation that Exceeds
    Consumer Expectations

    Create diverse products and services beyond consumer expectations

  • Investing in our People and Supporting their Growth

    Invest in people to support their growth with attention to diversity, and enhance human capital by fostering a corporate culture that maximizes individuality and ability of each person

  • Responsible Supply Chain Management

    Create a sustainable supply chain capable of withstanding sudden changes in the business environment, by tackling social issues such as respecting human rights or preservation of our environment

  • Good Governance

    Enhance our governance by improving our stakeholder satisfaction and continue to be a trustworthy corporate entity

Tobacco business

Creating fulfilling moments.
Creating a better future.

Products and services

Reduced-Risk Products

Pharmaceutical business

Respecting science, technology and people, we will contribute to patients' lives.

Processed food business

Bringing Joy to Meals and Fun to the Table