Integrated report

Community investment

For our Group to grow sustainably, it is vital for us to contribute to the sustainable development of our society. The JT Group Community Investment Policy determines a common goal across the JT Group: “To contribute to the development of inclusive and sustainable communities.” We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to participate in society, and that inclusive societies are better for business. In line with our community investment policy, and as a responsible local community member, we work with a wide range of stakeholders to resolve social issues.

Our focus areas

Through long-term partnerships with local and international organizations, we have 513 community investment programs in 97 countries. Based on global and local needs, these programs help communities to become more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient. We focus on three specific issues:

  1. Reducing inequalities, e.g., helping underprivileged people gain access to food and education.
  2. Improving community resilience in disaster-prone areas, e.g., providing access to clean water.
  3. Protecting the environment, e.g., protecting and reinvigorating forests and green public spaces.

Measurement and management

To measure the social impact of our efforts, we use the Business for Societal Impact (B4SI)* Framework provided by Corporate Citizenship.

In 2023, we invested around 50 million US dollars in corporate community investment in countries where we operate. We encourage more accurate reporting and measurement to ensure all of our programs deliver social impact according to our policy.


B4SI is the global standard in measuring and managing corporate social impact


Volunteering opportunities

Volunteering brings mutual benefits for employees, our business, and the community. It also enables our teams to make a positive impact in the communities where they live and work by sharing their skills and knowledge.

We actively encourage our employees to take part in volunteering activities. We do this by organizing programs and events or by providing the necessary resources (funds through corporate matching, employee time, in kind, or employee donations).

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