Integrated Report

We established the JT Group Purpose to describe the group's direction in which we aim to ensure the sustainability of society and our businesses. In this section our CEO and Executive Vice President discuss the Purpose in detail, touching on the ideas behind it, the future of society that the Group hopes to help create, and the specific ways in which we can contribute.
We will also share our thoughts about value creation for the future in the context of our Purpose as our value creation process.
Message from the CEO

This section introduces the JT Group's new and updated materiality. The sustainability initiatives of the Group, initiatives by each business and the activities of the Sustainability Advisory Forum are also explained in this section. In the CSO interview, you will find a more detailed account of our new JT Group Materiality and the outlook for 2023 and beyond.

Here we explain the strategies and results that the Group and each of its business segments have made, from both financial and non-financial angles. CFO message looks back on the financial results for 2022 and discusses the financial and capital policies that support our Business Plan 2023, as well as the thoughts behind the dialogue between the Group and the capital markets.

To make transparent, fair, agile and courageous decisions in our pursuit of the 4S model, the JT Group operates a self-governance system. Through strong governance we work to realize the sustainable medium- and long-term growth of profit and corporate value, while contributing to the prosperity of our stakeholders, the economy and society at large.
Encompassing a wealth of facts related to the JT Group’s governance, this section also presents a roundtable discussion among the board chair and Outside Directors focusing on our initiatives and challenges in maintaining good governance.