Our management principle
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To pursue the 4S model
Under the 4S model, we strive to fulfill our responsibilities to our valued consumers, shareholders, employees and the wider society, carefully considering the respective interests of these four key stakeholder groups and exceeding their expectations wherever we can.
By pursuing the 4S model, we aim to achieve sustainable profit growth over the mid to long term. We firmly believe that pursuing the 4S model is the best approach to continuously grow our corporate value and serve our four stakeholder constituencies’ common interests.
We provide exceptional products and services that deliver value beyond fulfillment of diverse needs and preferences.
To keep doing so, we will upgrade our innovation capabilities by leveraging our Group’s diversity.
We aim to enhance shareholder returns by realizing the mid- to long-term profit growth, placing priority on striking a balance between profit growth through business investments and shareholder returns.
We aim to be an appealing, highly-esteemed company for which our employees are proud to work. While evaluating employees fairly and transparently and supporting their personal growth, we aim to foster a corporate culture that respects and embraces diverse values.
In order to fulfill our responsibility as a member of society and contribute to the sustainable development of society through our business, we will work with a wide range of stakeholders and strive to resolve various issues together.
To continue to be a growing global company that provides diverse value, unique to the JT Group.
Based on our 4S model, our vision is to continue to be a growing global company that provides diverse value, unique to the JT Group.
Our long, rich history has endowed us with three key strengths: a solid financial base, superior brand equity and a diverse workforce. To realize our vision, we plan to leverage these strengths as sources of competitiveness in our business activities. We will create a variety of products and services that meet the needs of our consumers and society, enhance the corporate value of the JT Group, and create social value that contributes to the development of a sustainable society.
To create, develop and nurture our unique brands to win consumer trust, while understanding and respecting the environment, and the diversity of societies and individuals.

Our mission is to create, develop and nurture our unique brands to win consumer trust, while understanding and respecting the environment, and the diversity of societies and individuals through the 4S model. Our Code of Conduct and values guide the way in which every employee should act on a daily basis. We have codified these into three statements we call the JT Group WAY.
The world in which we live encompasses diverse natural environments, societies and peoples. By embracing such diversity, we believe we can create brands that offer value to our consumers.
We define a brand as all of the products, services and actions trusted by consumers and believe it is the key to forming deep bonds of trust between us and our consumers. Setting our brands as our most valuable management resource, we will continue to create, develop, and refine distinctive brands that win consumers’ trust.
In order to achieve our mission, each and every one of us at the JT Group practices the JT Group WAY as a personal philosophy.