Our leadership

The Board of Directors (As of March 22, 2024)

The Board of Directors assumes responsibility in making decisions for important issues including Group strategy as well as supervising all the activities of the Group. Currently, we have ten directors including four independent outside directors.

  • Mutsuo Iwai

    Mutsuo Iwai

    Chairperson of the Board

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Mutsuo Iwai assumed the position of Deputy Chairperson of the Board of the Company in March 2020.

      He has experience of driving the core tobacco business as Representative Director and Executive Vice President of the Company even in unclear and uncertain operating environments, with his forceful execution of business backed by precise decision-making.

      In addition, his broad and deep knowledge and insights cultivated through diverse experience both in Japan and overseas in areas such as the Food Business and Corporate Strategy have contributed to the strengthening of the supervisory function of the Group and relationships with stakeholders, which are essential to the improvement of the corporate governance of the Group going forward.

      For this reason, we propose his reelection as a Member of the Board.

  • Shigeaki Okamoto

    Shigeaki Okamoto

    Deputy Chairperson of the Board

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Having served important roles such as Administrative Vice Minister of the Ministry of Finance during his long years of service with ministries and bureaus, Shigeaki Okamoto possesses considerable knowledge and experience in general national policies.

      We propose his election based on our view that his broad outlook and high standing underpinned by his experience are essential to the further enhancement of the corporate governance of the Group.

  • Masamichi Terabatake

    Masamichi Terabatake

    Representative Director

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Masamichi Terabatake was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company in January 2018, and then Representative Director and President in March of the same year.

      He has used the extensive experience and his knowledge and powerful leadership in relation to global business management, accumulated in a range of duties such as the drawing up and execution of management strategy both in Japan and overseas, and the execution of the business of the International Tobacco Business in his role as Executive Vice President of JT International S.A., and in doing so has been a driver of the growth of the Group.

      We judge that his extraordinary insights and wide-ranging outlook, together with his enhanced reforming capabilities, are indispensable for the management of the Group going forward, and hence we propose his reelection as a Member of the Board.

  • Kei Nakano

    Kei Nakano

    Representative Director

    Reasons for appointment
    1. After serving Vice President of M&S Strategy Department, Tobacco Business Division of the Company, and President and Chief Executive Officer of TS Network Co., Ltd., the Company's subsidiary, Kei Nakano assumed Senior Vice President, Communications in January 2016.

      Since October 2019, he has served Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy, using his strong leadership focusing on promoting initiatives for strengthening and advancing the Company's corporate governance including the enhancement of effectiveness of the Board of Directors, and projects to enhance corporate capabilities.

      We judge that his extensive and deep knowledge in relation to overall management strategies and business management, strategic thinking and accurate decision-making based on his diverse experience will be indispensable in driving the Group's management further forward, and hence we propose his election as a Member of the Board.

  • Koji Shimayoshi

    Koji Shimayoshi

    Representative Director

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Koji Shimayoshi served in important roles including Head of Tobacco Business Planning Division, Vice President of Human Resources Division, SeniorVice President, Chief Human Resources Officer, Senior Vice President, Head of Tobacco Business Planning Division, and Tobacco Business, and Executive Vice President, JT International S.A., a subsidiary of the Company, using his strong leadership focusing on management strategies and business management both in and outside Japan, enhancement of organizational strength, and human resource management.

      We judge that his keen discernment and accurate decision-making based on his wide-ranging experience and advanced knowledge will be indispensable as a driving force to advance the Group’s management further, and hence we propose his election as a Member of the Board.

  • Yukiko Nagashima

    Yukiko Nagashima

    Member of the Board

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Yukiko Nagashima assumed the position of Outside Director of the Company in March 2019.

      We have benefited from her experience in corporate management and execution of business in a wide range of fields, such as emerging businesses and temporary staffing and objective point of view based on her experience as a Member of the Audit and Supervisory Boards being reflected in the management of the Company and she has worked tirelessly to supervise business execution from a fair and independent standpoint.

      We judge that her experience from the perspectives of both management and audit and a high degree of knowledge cultivated thereby will be essential in the Group's management.

      For this reason, we propose her reelection in expectation of her continuous contribution as Outside Director of the Company to improving corporate governance in the Group through her proactive recommendations and advice provided at the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Advisory Panel on Nomination and Compensation.

  • Masato Kitera

    Masato Kitera

    Member of the Board

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Masato Kitera assumed the position of Outside Director of the Company in March 2021.

      He did not engage in corporate management previously other than serving as an outside director or an outside auditor.

      However, he held important positions over many years of service with the government, primarily in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With his extensive international experience and a high level of knowledge of international affairs cultivated during his diplomatic and other activities reflected in the management of the Group as it expands its business outside Japan at a time of globally increasing geopolitical risks, he has worked tirelessly to provide advice and oversight which contribute to the further enhancement of corporate governance.

      We believe his high level of international experience and broad knowledge are essential for the Group management by the Company, and thus propose his reelection in expectation of his continuous contribution as Outside Director of the Company to improving corporate governance in the Group through his proactive recommendations and advice provided at the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Advisory Panel on Nomination and Compensation.

  • Masato Kitera

    Tetsuya Shoji

    Member of the Board

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Having served as a president and representative director for a telecommunications company, Tetsuya Shoji has considerable experience, track record, and insight into corporate management.

      We expect he, as Outside Director, will utilize his wide experience in areas such as corporate planning, human resources, global operations, and digitization promotion in the management of the Group as it expands its business outside Japan and regards IT/information security as one of the increasingly important management foundations in the future, and properly offer advice and oversight that contribute to the further enhancement of corporate governance of the Company.

      For this reason, we propose his election.

  • Hiroko Yamashina

    Hiroko Yamashina

    Member of the Board

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Hiroko Yamashina assumed the office of Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member in March 2023.

      Having served in important roles such as Corporate Officer of a general financial service provider and President of a subsidiary of the company, Hiroko Yamashina possesses considerable knowledge and broad and deep insights in corporate management and business operation, etc. Although Hiroko Yamashina has served as Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company for only one year at the conclusion of this Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, she has made a significant contribution to effective auditing through expressing honest opinions to management in a timely and appropriate manner.

      We judge that reflecting her broad outlook and high standing underpinned by her experience as a corporate manager in the Group’s management is beneficial to strengthening the Group’s corporate governance, and therefore, she is appropriate as Outside Director of the Company, and for this reason we propose her election as Outside Director.

  • Kenji Asakura

    Kenji Asakura

    Member of the Board

    Reasons for appointment
    1. Having served in important roles such as Representative Director, President and CEO and Representative Director, Chairman of a trading company specializing in trading chemical products, Kenji Asakura possesses outstanding experience and wide-ranging knowledge in global corporate management, business operation, and corporate cultural reform, etc.

      As we judge that reflecting his broad outlook and high standing underpinned by his experience and track record as a top management member of a listed global company in the Group’s management may contribute to further strengthening the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, we expect him to give appropriate proposals and advice on and supervise execution of the Group’s business, and for this reason we propose his election as Outside Director.

Ms. Nagashima, Mr. Kitera, Mr. Shoji, Ms Yamashina and Mr. Asakura are Outside Directors, set out in Article 2, Item (xv) of the Companies Act of Japan.

The Audit & Supervisory Board (As of March 22, 2024)

Entrusted by shareholders and ensured of its autonomy, the Audit & Supervisory Board conducts accounting audits as well as operating audits. Currently, we have five audit & supervisory board members including three Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

  • Hideaki Kashiwakura

    Standing Audit and Supervisory Board Member

  • Tsutomu Hashimoto

    Standing Audit and Supervisory Board Member

  • Shigeru Taniuchi

    Standing Audit and Supervisory Board Member

  • Nobuo Inada

    Audit and Supervisory Board Member

  • Emiko Takeishi

    Audit and Supervisory Board Member

Mr. Taniuchi, Mr. Inada and Ms. Takeishi are Outside Audit and Supervisory Board Members, set out in Article 2, Item (xvi) of the Companies Act of Japan.

Executive officers (As of October 1, 2024)

JT employs an executive officer system to ensure effective and efficient management by promptly responding to changes in the operating environment and, thus, increase corporate value. Executive officers are appointed by the Board of Directors. At the same time, the board assigns certain responsibilities and delegates relevant authorities to executive officers in accordance with the Rules Defining the Extent of Responsibility and Authority.


  • Masamichi Terabatake

    Chief Executive Officer and President of Tobacco Business

Executive Vice Presidents

  • Koji Shimayoshi

    Corporate Governance, Compliance, Corporate Strategy, Sustainability, People & Culture, Information Technology, Legal, Operation Review & Business Assurance, Pharmaceutical Business and Food Business

  • Kei Nakano

    Finance, Corporate Communications, Business Development and D-LAB

Senior Vice Presidents

  • Junichi Fukuchi

    Chief Executive Officer, Tobacco Business, Japan

  • Suguru Fujiwara

    Corporate Affairs & Communications, Tobacco Business, Japan

  • Nobuhiro Uezawa

    Manufacturing, Tobacco Business, Japan

  • Igor Dzaja

    Marketing, Tobacco Business, Japan

  • Kazuyuki Inui

    Sales, Tobacco Business, Japan

  • Takayuki Yamaguchi

    President, Pharmaceutical Business

  • Makoto Kakutani

    Head of Central Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Pharmaceutical Business

  • Keisuke Nakagomi

    Food Business

  • Osamu Hirose

    General Counsel

  • Hiroyuki Fukuda

    Corporate Strategy and Business Development

  • Kenji Ogura

    Corporate Governance and Compliance

  • Hisato Imokawa

    Chief Sustainability Officer

  • Hiromasa Furukawa

    Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Communications

  • Yoshiyuki Mishima

    People & Culture

  • Hisashi Shimobayashi

    Information Technology

  • Yuki Otaki


Skills Matrix for Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

The Board of Directors has resolved to adopt the concept of skills necessary for the Board of Directors and developed a skills matrix that lists the areas in which the knowledge and experience of each director and member of the audit & supervisory board is expected to be particularly effective.

The concept of skills necessary for the Board of Directors

Skills matrix of Members of the Board and Audit & Supervisory Board Members